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Jalapeno Margaritas

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Recipe makes 4 drinks:



6oz Tequila: I don't care if it's silver or gold or whatever

2oz Triple Sec or Cointrea or Grand Marnier - something orangy

1 Jalapeno

6 large Limes

 for rimming:

1 tsp kosher Salt

1 tsp Sugar,

1/4 tsp Chilli powder

Crushed Ice



Slice jalapeno and put in a cocktail shaker.  Use a muddler or spoon to crush the jalapeno.  Add tequila and triple sec.

Slice one of the limes into slice for garnish, juice the rest into the mix.


Use the lime garnish to wet the edge of the glass and rim using the rim mix. 

Fill glass with crushed ice and pour in margarita.  Enjoy.